Publishers Weekly gave MR. MONK GOES TO GERMANY a nice review today. They say, in part:
The sixth novel (after 2007’s Mr. Monk in Outer Space) based on the popular MONK TV series created by Andy Breckman effectively meets the challenges of
translating the screen concept to the page. […] Despite the lack of the TV series’ visual humor and the
performance of actor Tony Shalhoub, Goldberg does a decent job of
conveying both the sleuth’s quirks and his genius.
You can read an excerpt of the book here and decide for yourself if PW is right or not.
I picked up “Germany” at my local B&N last night … is it good news or bad news that they had copies left? The Customer Service dude told me they started with six …
Because I’m right in the middle of another mystery, I read only a few pages of “Germany” and “LOLed out loud” when Natalie mentioned meeting the assistant to the guy in Santa Barbara!!!
When I finish the other book (and, yes, I’ve had the other book on my night stand since 2004, you wanna make something of it?), I’ll hop on over to “Germany”!