I’ve got all the Bond movie posters, which I started collecting when I was a kid. I bought most of them from the now-defunct
Cinema Shop in San Francisco and, later, from Hollywood Book & Poster Co. in LA. When I was single, I had them up all over my apartment. But for the last 16 years of marital bliss, the posters have
been relegated to my small office, where I rotate them in, two at-a-time. I
love those posters, many of which feature art by the legendary Robert McGinnis.
Posterwire reports that a NY gallery is hosting an exhibit of Bond posters from mid-May through July. The news of the exhibit coincides with
the release this week of the new trailer and the teaser poster for CASINO ROYALE.

That trailer looks pretty good.
Okay, I wasn’t too thrilled with their choice of Bond this time around (looooong time crush on Pierce Brosnan from the pre-Remington days with the miniseries Manions of America) but this poster makes the character look very … dark, intriguing, dangerous yet sophisticated. The poster has done its job.
Wow! Not a Bond-fan here, but this poster just looks intriguing. Guess I’m going to see that one. If they make it more realistic and gritty and stop the cheeerful bantering in the face of death superhero crap I may actually like it. In any case I’m looking forward to this hitting the theatres.
I’m not exactly a Bond fanatic, but the trailer looks pretty good. Except the traditional “spinning around and shooting the camera” looked kind of goofy this time.
I’m glad you got that guy the Bond gig. Nice string-pulling.
Loved the trailer. Noticed the prominent twangy guitar in the pumped up Bond theme. Cooool.