I was surprised to discover that the unaired, unsold WB pilot for AQUAMAN is available for download on iTunes. The pilot was from the folks who did SMALLVILLE and was passed over when the WB merged with UPN to become The CW. Being the unsold pilot freak that I am, I immediately downloaded it…but I haven’t watched it yet.
Month: August 2006
Mr. Monk Basks in the Glow
Three more bloggers have given MR. MONK GOES TO HAWAII kudos. Gerald So says:
Mr, Monk Goes to Hawaii is an
ideal summer read, a rambling tale to match an exotic setting. Several
side mysteries show Monk’s quirks as seen by the more practical
Natalie, yet Goldberg keeps a confident hand on the story, eventually
putting every strand in place just as Monk and his fans would have it.
Meanwhile, the folks over at MyShelf enjoy seeing things from Natalie’s POV:
Natalie’s point of view provides an unexpected and delightful twist. Goldberg nails Monk’s intriguing and complex character. Natalie and Monk’s interactions are laugh-out-loud funny. Find
Mr. Monk Goes to Hawaii and take a humorous trip through murder and deceit!
Cynthia Clark at Future Mystery Magazine says:
You don’t have to be a fan of MONK or to have ever watched an episode
on television to enjoy this fast paced, witty, quirky, yet charming suspense.
Mr. Goldberg has once again captured the nuances and idiosyncrasies of
Mr. Monk and of OC (obsessive compulsive) sufferers. Mr. Goldberg makes
us laugh as he takes us on Monk’s wild Hawaiian ride solving numerous
crimes. Only Monk could find a paradise like Hawaii to be a health risk,
and barbaric — roasting a pig in the ground? Mr. Goldberg gives us just
enough clues to let us be MONK if we dare….I read this book in one sitting
and loved every moment of it. I felt the tug of heart strings with Mitch
and Trudy. I laughed, I was sad, I plotted who done it, but mostly, I
loved it! An excellent escape, a great read.
Mr. Monk and the Signings
The fine folks over at the Monk Fun Page write about attending my L.A.
signings for MR. MONK GOES TO HAWAII. They’ve posted lots of pictures and excerpts from our talk. The picture on the left is me, along with Terry Erdmann and Paula Block, authors of THE MONK EPISODE GUIDE, at Mysteries to Die For. The picture of yours truly on the right was taken at The Mystery Bookstore. Here are some excerpts from our talk, as recorded by the gang at the Monk Fun Page:
"Now I just walk in and out of the [Monk] set. They think I’m part of the
crew and it’s really, really nice." – Terry
"They always have security drag me away. I’m not sure why that is." — Lee
"I told them to." – Terry"I was in Beverly Hills and I saw a woman with a brooch that was a live cockroach. And I thought, this is going in the next book." — Lee
"[Monk and Natalie] both lost their spouses. So they’re both lost. In some ways
that’s why I find her a richer character than Sharona, is they have a pain that binds then together rather than just an employment agreement." — Lee
On the same webpage, you can also find pictures and quotes from my Mysteries To Die For signing in February for MR. MONK GOES TO THE FIREHOUSE.
Fletch Returns
Variety reports that Kevin Smith is out and SCRUBS showrunner Bill Lawrence is in to write and direct a movie version of FLETCH WON, from the novel by Gregory McDonald. FLETCH WON is a prequel to the original FLETCH novel, which was adapted in 1985 as a lousy Chevy Chase movie and inspired a even worse sequel film, FLETCH LIVES.